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Products Damper pulley made of polyurethane

The damper pulley of the crankshaft is designed to dampen the impulses of the mechanical action of the motor at the time of start-up, as well as for depreciation during cyclic loads on the crankshaft. The elastic layer between the metal parts of the pulley performs this function, so it faces huge loads. And if we take into account temperature fluctuations and the impact of aggressive auto chemicals, then we will understand that the elastic element made of rubber will not last long. Unexpected damage to the rubber part can lead to a complete immobilization of the machine.

The planned replacement of the original damper pulley is provided every 100-120 thousand kilometers. In this case, difficulties arise both with the dismantling of the old tightly fitted pulley, and with the installation of a new pulley, because alignment must be maintained.

Is it possible to do such repairs less often? Yes, if you buy a polyurethane crankshaft pulley, not a rubber one.

Advantages of polyurethane:

  • elasticity and strength are 2-2.5 times higher than those of rubber;
  • esistance to abrasives;
  • inertness in relation to aggressive substances;
  • stability of properties both at low temperatures and in the heat of 40⁰С.

Where to buy polyurethane crankshaft damper pulley?

The PoliPro manufactures a polyurethane crankshaft damper pulley for all brands of cars, including Ford Transit, Volkswagen T4, Lanos, Renault, VAZ 2110, etc.

You can buy a crankshaft damper pulley using this site, as well as from our official partners. For example, the price of the T4 crankshaft damper pulley is 1000 UAH at the beginning of 2020, which is much cheaper than other offers on the market.

Call or email us to place an order or get more information.